AEW Fans Germany Deutschland Podcast

AEW Fans Deutschland / Germany Wrestling News

[ENGLISH AUDIO] AEW Newsweek // Episode 3 // AEW Fans Germany Podcast

Let's talk Dynamite!

20.06.2024 53 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

Our AEW Fans Germany podcast is a German speaking podcast format - but this is our brand new section, which gives you English content.

Do you love wrestling as much as we do? If so, this is the perfect place for you! 
We love to talk about wrestling and discuss about it. 
Our main focus is on All Elite Wrestling (AEW), but of course we do talk about different wrestling companies as well and use them for comparisons.

Two times a week - unique in our way.

MONDAYS 08:30/09:00pm (UTC+2): 
Our LIVE discussion - your week starts here!

THURSDAYS 08:30/09:00pm (UTC+2):
Our news podcast about last weeks topics - finishing this episode gives you all the insight!

Created by fans, for fans and with fans!

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